Good Shoes to Wear With Dress Pants Mens

In the past, men's fashion was centered on their careers. If you had a 9-5 job that required business attire, then dressing well for work meant wearing slacks with blazers or suits.

Outside of work, guys didn't have to give too much thought to what they wore because their outfits were dictated by their sneakers and jeans which took center stage.

But now casual work environments mean you can wear pretty much anything so long as it's dressy enough.

Sometimes this means slacks are being replaced by chinos, which are more comfortable and breathable but don't look quite as sharp as dress pants.

The new generation of men are also using more color in their outfits these days, be it in shirts, sweaters, or now even dress pants.

If you're looking to wear color in your outfit but want to stay smart-casual, look no further than the humble grey pant.

It goes with almost anything and adds a touch of sophistication to casual pieces like t-shirts, polo's, and hoodies.

Here are 10 different color shoes that work perfectly with grey dress pants:

1. Tan Oxfords


Tan is one of the best colors for shoes that go great with grey dress pants. Just like wearing tan chinos (pants), tan shoes go surprisingly well together; especially if the rest of your outfit has darker tones to it. Tan oxfords are best to wear with grey dress pants because the colors are not too flashy or loud. You can't go wrong with tan shoes that have a hint of color to them.

2. Brown Oxfords


Shoes that are brown also go great with grey dress pants. Sticking to the same tone family as tan, you don't want anything too bright or colorful for this outfit combination. Brown is an easy choice because it compliments the darker tones of grey very well. It's not too flashy but it adds some variety so your outfit isn't all one color.

3. Navy Boots


Navy boots are another great option for wearing any type of dark pants especially if they are jeans or dress pants. The color navy will add a lot of variety to your outfit while not being too loud or distracting. Navy is a great color all year round and you can easily wear it with different types of outfits.

4. Black Oxfords


If you want to go more traditional, black shoes are another good option for wearing with your grey dress pants. You can't go wrong with black shoes because they work well with any color clothing item that you wear. The only caution is if the rest of your outfit has bright colors in between like reds, yellows, blues, etc. black may be too strong of contrast so try to limit how much another color you put into that area or just avoid certain patterns altogether.

5. Blue Shoes


Blue is another color that goes great with grey dress pants. Just like tan shoes, blue shoes are very versatile and can go well with many outfits. If you want to have more color in your outfit but not too much, then wearing a pair of blue shoes may be the right choice for you. Navy or royal blue work best because they compliment grey very well especially if it's darker tones of either of those colors.

6. Grey Oxfords


Grey oxfords are also another good option for wearing with black dress pants or any type of dark pants in general. You may think that because gray is a lighter tone it wouldn't look good but when paired with black pants it actually looks fantastic. It's safe to say that grey is the new black. Gray is one of those colors that work well with almost any other color, which makes it a great choice for shoes to go with dress pants.

7. White Sneakers


Wearing white sneakers is another option if you are looking for something more casual and sporty. White sneakers are actually not as loud as people may think they are. They look casual but still very nice when paired with all types of clothing items say that gray shoes should be a part of your wardrobe because they are great to have on standby when you think you have nothing to go with what you're wearing.

8. Red Shoes


If you want something a little more colorful then red shoes are another good option for dressing up dark pants especially black dress pants. Red is one of the brightest colors available so it can create quite a statement which is great if you are confident enough to pull it off.

It's not too flashy or distracting so it's still easy to pair with other clothing items. Keep in mind this color may look better during the colder months of the year because during summertime you'll probably want to wear lighter colors and tones.

9. Yellow Shoes


Yellow is another good color to have in your shoe collection because it looks great with most pats of clothing you own. We created this list so that people looking for shoes won't have trouble finding something that will go well with their outfits.

10. Tan Shoes


Tan shoes are great for pairing with grey dress pants. Tan's definitely an underrated color when matched up with the right pant like gray pants it can really look good.

But if you've never worn color with your pants before then it can be tricky, so here are some top tips for wearing color shoes with grey trouser outfits.

1) Stick to one shade of gray

If you're just starting out integrating color into your looks, it's recommended that you stick to one hue when choosing which shoes to wear. So if you choose olive green dress pants (which I recommend), match them with a pair of tan brown shoes. This way you'll avoid clashing colors and ensure that your outfit is styled harmoniously, giving off a clean polished look.

2) Look for color ties

If you're looking to wear sneakers or lighter colored shoes then why not try integrating a colorful tie into your outfit? It's a great way to add some flair and personality to an otherwise conservative getup. Just remember to keep the rest of your outfit toned down rather than going all out with mismatched colors.

3) Don't match exactly

If you go the extra mile and match up every item of clothing in your outfit (which can work but isn't always necessary), then stick on matching monochromatic shoes. However, if you'd prefer to keep your shoes on the subtle side then use them as an opportunity to break up your outfit by adding some complimentary colors.

4) Match your belt

We all know that color coordination is key when it comes to getting dressed so why not carry the theme through to your belt? Just like with dress pants, t-shirts, and hoodies, brighter hues look great against darker shades of grey. However, you must be careful not to match exactly (see point 3), or else it'll end up looking too matchy-matchy.

5) Leave room for error

You might think that wearing bright yellow shoes with dark grey pants would end in disaster but instead try thinking of outfits like a piece of abstract art. The colors don't need to directly compliment each other as long as they flow well together and look good in the context of your outfit.

6) Slide some white into your outfit

If you're really struggling with what shoes to wear then just slip a pair on and keep them on for the whole day, no one will notice and sometimes that first step is all it takes to pull off something new. Also, there's nothing wrong with wearing your dress shoes without laces, no matter if others say otherwise.

7) Casual gear can be classy too

I think we've all been guilty of wearing ripped jeans and t-shirts but as long as you style them correctly (which is how everyone should be dressing), then break free from the mold and opt for some smart dress shoes instead. You'll look and feel more confident and it's a great way to stand out from the crowd.

8) Match your belt with your dress shoes

I know what you're thinking: "How on earth would anyone ever manage that?". Well if you can pull it off then just go for it because it looks fresh, crisp, and modern! Just be sure to keep everything else toned down so as not to clash too much.

9) Look confident

Wearing good quality, stylish shoes will boost your self-confidence and improve how you carry yourself around others.

By taking care of your feet and getting a decent pair of shoes you'll increase your chances of looking sharp, so if no one notices your outfit then you're doing it wrong.

10) Wear the right size

Make sure that your dress shoes fit properly, even if they are slightly too big or small, having them tailored to fit is a great way to make everything look neatly polished and stylish!

If you don't want to fork out money getting them altered (or if it's for an important event like a wedding), then just wear thick socks or roll up your trouser legs.


I hope this helps increase your knowledge of color coordination with grey pants and that it'll help you get on board with wearing color with your dress pants.

It's definitely not as hard as many people think, the only thing stopping most guys from wearing color is their own fear of judgment.

But the more you pull it off, the better you'll become and soon enough people won't be able to keep their eyes on your unique but classy outfit.

And remember, there are no limits when it comes down to fashion so just wear what looks good on you.

So many people are scared to break out from the mold but there's no need to stick to one style just because that's how it's always been done before.


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